Vaping Helps Adults Quit Smoking!

MVA is committed to preserving adult access to tobacco harm reduction products and advocating for sensible regulation of vapor products. Make your voice heard and help us:

  • Lobby for reasonable regulation
  • Craft proposed bills
  • Educate local and state politicians
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What is Tobacco Harm reduction?


Harm Reduction

Harm reduction is an approach that encourages modifications to risky behavior, such as sunscreen, condoms, and seatbelts. When quitting smoking seems impossible, harm reduction can mean smoking less, or using alternative nicotine delivery methods


Cigarettes vs Vaping

The major harm from smoking comes from the inhalation of combustible tobacco and the carcinogens and tar found in cigarette smoke. Nicotine alone is a stimulant, much like caffeine.



Cleaner ingredients, reduced risk Vapor products provide an alternative, reduced risk delivery method for nicotine. Most eliquids contain only four components: Vegetable Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, food grade flavorings, and nicotine in various strengths.


Flavors help adults quit!

Research has shown flavor incentives are critical in helping adults move away from traditional cigarettes. The success rate of total tobacco cessation is much higher when adults have access to enjoyable flavors other than tobacco.


What is harm reduction

Globally recognized benefits – Vaping is globally recognized as 95% less harmful than smoking, is a negligible risk to bystanders, and is considerably more effective than any other cessation methods in helping smokers quit for good.

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